Partnership and collaboration
Sexual violence is an issue that concerns us all. To ensure that victims receive the help and support they need, it is crucial that all actors in society work together and pool their efforts.
Victims of sexual violence make use of a wide range of services in the public and community network. The MSAC works in partnership and collaboration with various organizations and government bodies to ensure cohesive action and to facilitate every victim’s recovery, regardless of their needs.
At the government level
Thanks to the MSAC’s on-the-ground experience that has proven its worth over more than four decades, the government trusts its expertise in welcoming and supporting victims. Several ministries help to ensure the sustainability of our services through budget renewal. The Ministère de la Justice chose the MSAC to set up and administer the Sexual Violence Helpline support and referral service, and the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux mandated us to set up and administer the Support Service for designated centres.
In the health and social services network
The Montreal General Hospital (part of the McGill University Health Centre), the GMF Clinique Medic Elle and the MSAC work together to offer medico-social services in a designated centre.
The Support Service is allied with all the designated centres that provide medico-social services for sexual assault victims across Québec. Its mandate is to respond to the diverse needs of designated centres across the province.

With community organizations
Community organizations that develop on-the-ground or sexual violence programs, or that work with at-risk populations, refer their public and clientele to the Sexual Violence Helpline as a front-line service.
Our involvement in roundtables and committees
The MSAC participates in many community actions, primarily by sharing its expertise with committees, associations and roundtables.
Table de concertation sur les agressions à caractère sexuel de Montréal (TCACSM)
Created in 1977, this important roundtable rallies and mobilizes organizations that work with or for victims of sexual violence or that play an important role in fighting sexual violence. The MSAC became a member in 1983, and our Executive Director has served as its president since 2008.
The general objectives of the TCACSM are as follows:
- Promote and foster respect for the rights of sexual assault victims.
- Promote the creation and maintenance of assistance and prevention service for sexual assault victims in Montréal.
- Foster the exchange of information and cooperation among resources through collaboration and the distribution of this information to all organizations concerned.
- Act as an expert resource in the area of sexual assault in Montréal.
- Encourage the training of members and other counsellors and practitioners.
Since 2001, the Table has shared its knowledge and wide-ranging expertise in the area of sexual assault by creating several useful tools:
- The Information Guide for Sexual Assault Victims, available in French, English and Spanish, was first published in 2007. Distributed throughout Québec, this invaluable guide is a comprehensive, accessible resource that is now in its 3rd edition.
- Since 2014, the website agressionsexuellemontreal.ca has provided information on the various resources available to sexual assault victims in Montréal for counsellors and practitioners in different milieus.
These tools provide support for partners in helping victims.
Comité de Vérification et d’Observation Intersectoriel des Enquêtes en matière d’agression sexuelle (VOIE)
This intersectoral sexual assault investigation review committee is made up of representatives of various organizations involved in the area of sexual violence. The committee reports to the Sûreté du Québec, the Québec provincial police force.
The VOIE reviews the processing of sexual assault cases during police investigations to ensure compliance. It also drafts recommendations on best practices to be developed to handle these cases. The Executive Director of the MSAC has been a member of this committee since it was created in December 2017.
Comité de vérification des dossiers d’enquêtes en matière de crimes à caractère sexuel du SPVM
This committee, which reports to the SPVM (Montreal police force), is made up of representative of various organizations involved in the area of sexual violence in the Greater Montreal region.
The committee’s mandate is to analyze sexual assault cases that were under investigation by the SPVM further to a request by a victim to review the police investigation. Based on their analysis, committee members may issue recommendations in connection with the case that help to identify best practices. The Executive Director of the MSAC has been a member of this committee since it was created in 2022.
Comité provincial sur l’intervention médicosociale en centre désigné pour les victimes d’agression à caractère sexuel (CPIMCD)
The provincial committee on medico-social intervention in designated centres for victims of sexual assault brings together experts in the areas of psychosocial intervention, medicine, forensic biology, criminal law, police services and representatives of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS).
This committee, initially created as a sub-committee of the Table de concertation sur les agressions à caractère sexuel de Montréal in 1985, subsequently expanded throughout the province. It has been administered by the Support Service for designated centres since 2019.
The CPIMCD and the Support Service for Designated Centres are working on a revision of the Guide d’intervention médicosociale as well as the forensic and medico-social kits used by on-site responders in designated centres who provide support for victims. The CPIMCD and the Support Service are also collaborating on the development of a training program in medico-social services in designated centres for victims of sexual assault (Formation sur l’intervention médicosociale en centres désignés auprès des victimes d’agression sexuelle) and discussing provincial issues raised by questions sent to the Support Service by designated centres across Québec.
Coalition québécoise contre la traite des personnes
The Québec coalition against human trafficking is made up of public, para-public, community and non-governmental organizations that work with victims and at-risk persons to prevent human trafficking, protect victims and offer the appropriate services and support.
The MSAC is represented on the coalition by the Coordinator of the Sexual Violence Helpline.
Table d’action concertée montréalaise en exploitation sexuelle (TACMES)
The Montréal joint action roundtable on sexual exploitation is made up of actors working in the area of sexual exploitation in Montréal who want to ensure their actions are mutually reinforcing. Training sessions and discussions based on clinical cases and problems encountered on the ground help to ensure that actors are equipped to prevent sexual exploitation and provide victims with the support they need.
The MSAC has been involved with TACMES since the beginning through the participation of the Sexual Violence Helpline team.